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  • Writer's pictureRuny Chernukin

Lactose intolerance, Celiac, Obesity

What is the lactose intolerance? Some people can’t digest a certain sugar in milk and milk products called lactose. Lactose is the sugar that’s in milk. Our bodies use an enzyme called lactose to break down that sugar so we can absorb it into our bodies. But people with lactose intolerance don’t have enough lactose. This health problem is called lactose intolerance. The condition isn’t harmful, but it can be uncomfortable and may be embarrassing. There’s no cure, but you can manage it by watching how much milk or milk products you drink or eat. Being lactose intolerant is not the same as being allergic to milk. A food allergy is an immune system response. Even with low levels of lactose, some people can digest milk products just fine. For people who are lactose intolerant, their low lactose levels give them symptoms after they eat dairy. As a result, they have diarrhea, gas and bloating after eating or drinking dairy products. The condition, which is also called lactose malabsorption, is usually harmless, but its symptoms can be uncomfortable.

How many people have this problem? Among the peoples of the world, lactose deficiency occurs in 3–5% of Scandinavians, 15% of Germans, 17% of Finns, 20% of northern and 65% of southern Italians, 70–90% of Arabs and Africans (but only in 25% of Bedouins, 13% of Tuaregs and 22 % nomadic Fulani), 80% of Central Asians, 90% - 100% Japanese and Chinese. In northern India, 50% of the population does not tolerate fresh milk, in southern India - 80%. In Russia, lactose is not produced by 30% of Russians and 60–80% of indigenous residents of Siberia and the Far East.


What is celiac? Celiac disease is a serious autoimmune disease that occurs in genetically predisposed people where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. Autoimmune disease happens when the body’s natural defense system can’t tell the difference between your own cells and foreign cells, causing the body to mistakenly attack normal cells.  Gluten is a protein found in foods containing wheat, barley or rye. It is estimated to affect 1 in 100 people worldwide, but only about 30% are properly diagnosed. Celiac disease is hereditary, meaning that it runs in families. People with a first-degree relative with celiac disease (parent, child, sibling) have a 1 in 10 risk of developing celiac disease. Celiac disease can develop at any age after people start consuming gluten.  

Medical problems caused by celiac. If somebody has celiac disease, eating gluten triggers an immune response to the gluten protein in the small intestine. Over time, this reaction damages the small intestine's lining and prevents it from absorbing nutrients, a condition called malabsorption. The intestinal damage often causes symptoms such as diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss, bloating or anemia. It also can lead to serious complications if it is not managed or treated. In children, malabsorption can affect growth and development in addition to gastrointestinal symptoms. There's no definite cure for celiac disease. But for most people, following a strict gluten-free diet can help manage symptoms and help the intestines heal.

What to eat with celiac. A gluten-free diet is necessary for people with celiac disease. A gluten-free diet excludes any foods that contain gluten. It means eating only whole foods that don’t contain gluten, such as fruits, vegetables, meat and eggs, as well as processed gluten-free foods like gluten-free bread or pasta. Gluten can be used as a binding agent and flavoring, so you can sometimes find it in foods you wouldn’t expect. In addition to foods like pizza, pasta, cereal and baked goods, gluten can be in everything from soy sauce and ice cream to certain medications, beauty products and dietary supplements. Some people think going gluten-free means not eating any carbohydrates, but this isn’t the case. Lots of foods that contain carbs, such as rice, potatoes and beans, don’t contain gluten. People with celiac disease can’t tolerate gluten in any form, and need to follow a gluten-free diet for the rest of their lives.


Obesity is one of the biggest health problems in the world. Overweight is a condition of excessive fat deposits.Obesity is a chronic complex disease defined by excessive fat deposits that can impair health. Overweight and obesity result from an imbalance of energy intake (diet) and energy expenditure (physical activity). The diagnosis of overweight and obesity is made by measuring people’s weight and height and by calculating the body mass index (BMI): weight (kg)/height² (m²). For adults, overweight and obesity may be defined as follows:

  • overweight is a BMI greater than or equal to 25; and

  • obesity is a BMI greater than or equal to 30.

Obesity increases the risk of developing a whole host of diseases. Obese people are: at increased risk of certain cancers, more likely to develop high blood pressure - a risk factor for heart disease, more likely to develop type 2 diabetes. In the future, obesity could overtake tobacco smoking as the biggest cause of preventable death. The food factor as one of the main causes of obesity.

Food which contributes to weight gain. Many people are eating now more calories on average than they did not long ago. What's driving this trend? Experts say it's a combination of increased availability, bigger portions, and more high-calorie foods. A single "super-sized" meal may contain 1,500–2,000 calories — all the calories that most people need for an entire day. And research shows that people will often eat what's in front of them, even if they're already full. Not surprisingly, we're also eating more high-calorie foods (especially salty snacks, soft drinks, and pizza), which are much more readily available than lower-calorie choices like salads and whole fruits. In reality even low-fat foods sometimes are very high in calories because they contain large amounts of sugar to improve their taste and palata

bility. In fact, many low-fat foods are actually higher in calories than foods that are not low fat. The essential contributor to obesity is junk-food. Junk food is defined as the commercial products, which have little or no nutritional value but do have plenty of calories, salt, and fats. Junk food provides empty calories, supplying little or none of the protein, vitamins, or minerals required for a nutritious diet. Many, but not all fast foods are junk foods. Fast foods are ready-to-eat foods served promptly. Some fast foods including candy, bakery goods, salty snacks and soft drinks, are high in calories and low in nutritional value.

Food which contributes to weight gain. Many funk-foods are designed to be cheap, last long on the shelf and taste so incredibly good that they are hard to resist. Many sugar-sweetened, high-fat junk foods stimulate the reward centers in your brain. By making foods as tasty as possible, food manufacturers are trying to increase sales. But they also promote overeating. These are highly engineered products, designed to get people hooked. Junk foods can cause addiction in susceptible individuals. Addiction is a complex issue that can be very difficult to overcome. When you become addicted to something, you lose your freedom of choice and the biochemistry in your brain starts calling the shots for you. Another problem is that junk food is often cheaper than healthy, whole foods. Some people, especially in poorer neighborhoods, don’t even have the option of purchasing real foods, like fresh fruit and vegetables. Convenience stores in these areas only sell sodas, candy and processed, packaged junk foods. Added sugar may be the single worst aspect of the modern diet. That’s because sugar changes the hormones and biochemistry of your body when consumed in excess. This, in turn, contributes to weight gain. Sugar contributes to increased energy storage and, ultimately, obesity.

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