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  • Writer's pictureRuny Chernukin

To slow down aging. 

Aging is understood as a slow gradual degradation of physical and mental characteristics over time. The consequence is an increased risk of dangerous diseases with the possibility of a fatal outcome. The magnitude of these changes depends on many factors and it is not at all necessary that they are strictly proportional to age. In addition to biological factors, aging is often associated with social and everyday factors. Recommendations for slowing down the aging process are associated with physical strengthening of the body, strengthening its immune system and preventing diseases.                                                                    

   Nutrition plays an important role in this. It should help maintain a healthy weight, provide the right amount of energy, fiber, vitamins and minerals, and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases. With age, physical activity and energy expenditure usually decrease. A person does less physical labor and, even continuing to play sports, he chooses less intense types. Therefore, when choosing food products, the most important thing is not their calorie content, but the content of those components that the body needs for normal functioning.                     

   First of all, let's mention foods rich in fiber. Fiber is carbohydrates that our body does not digest. But fiber that gets into the digestive tract has a variety of beneficial properties for the aging body: it reduces the absorption of cholesterol by the body, slows down the digestion process, allowing you to maintain a feeling of satiety for longer, helps to cope with possible constipation, helps to reduce the amount of sugar released into the blood, provides protection against some types of cancer. What foods are high in fiber? Broccoli, avocado, apples, bananas. Dried fruits. Legumes and nuts. Whole grain products. Instead of regular bread - whole grain bread. What is the secret here? When milled, flour is obtained, which is easy to store, but it loses the microelements and vitamins that were in it. Of course, whole grain bread is a little more expensive, but it is incomparably more nutritious than all types of regular bread. And it tastes quite acceptable.

   Now let’s talk about minerals and vitamins. Calcium is required to fight osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a major health issue for older people, particularly women. This is where bone density reduces and so the risk of fractures increases. Good sources of calcium are dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. Choose lower-fat varieties when you can. Calcium is also found in Other sources of calcium include green leafy vegetables (such as broccoli, cabbage and spinach), soya beans and  canned  fish  with bones, such as sardines. Iron rich products are also necessary. I ron can be found in peas, beans and lentils, oily fish such as sardines, eggs, green vegetables. Foods and drinks rich in vitamin C will help the body absorb iron, so you could have some fruit (especially citrus fruit) or vegetables (green vegetables, peppers, tomatoes and potatoes) with an iron-rich meal. Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for everyone, to help maintain healthy bones, teeth and muscles. Sunlight and food are two main sources of vitamin D. The best food sources of vitamin D are oily fish, including salmon, mackerel, and sardines. Other sources include egg yolks, red meat, and liver. Foods containing folic acid (vitamin B9) help maintain good health in older age. Good sources are green vegetables (such as broccoli, spinach, brussel sprouts, peas) and brown rice, as well as bread.

   It's very important to make sure you’re drinking enough. Your body needs plenty of fluid to work properly, such as helping to stop you getting constipated or confused. Aim to drink about six to eight glasses of water, or other fluids, every day to stop you getting dehydrated. Don’t forget to control your salt and sugar consumption. Try replacing salt with pepper, herbs and spices to add flavor to your favorite dishes.

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